Friday, June 30, 2006

"Respect" and policing

"Respect" and policing

I posted recently some thoughts on the West Shields CAF regarding Inspector Simon Charlton's verbal report to the committee and his assessment that three particular families with a long history of crime and disorder ought to be evicted from their properties by South Tyneside Homes. A reader posed the question of whether or not South Tyneside Council had the desire to help neighbourhoods by evicting unruly and anti-social tenants, so I duly posed the question of Paul Wilding the Executive Director of South Tyneside Homes and Councillor Micheal Clare the Lead Member responsible, on the 21st June.

I asked how many tenants had been evicted in the past two years by the Council for anti-social behaviour, how many similar cases are being processed at present, and how many are currently being considered for intitiation.

Owen's Ligaments posed a very serious question and I also pondered whether Louise Casey, the government's "respect tsarina" had given any specific advice to South Tyneside Council when meeting representatives on her recent visit to the north-east.

Mr. Wilding has since apologised for the delay in answering the query and promised that one of his officers would formulate a reply for me, Cllr. Clare has read the email but not responded, and now almost ten days later we are all none the wiser yet.

I'm sure that Inspector Charlton and his community beat officers are doing all that they can to make South Tyneside a safe and pleasant place to live, with law abiding neighbours, something that all of us would wish for. This blogger hopes that answers arrive soon in his mail box that will encourage Inspector Charlton to continue pressing for the necessary options to make communities more neighbourly and safe.

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