Monday, June 19, 2006

Time to go!

Time to go!

The Shields Gazette leads tonight with an article detailing the police report to the West Shields Community Area Forum last Thursday, where inspector Simon Charlton and his team of community beat officers for Whiteleas called for South Tyneside Homes to evict three families from their homes on the estate.

The police certainly sought to move the crime agenda their way at the meeting, which may explain why the police report was not available on the Council's website. The reports for the committee indicated that the police report would be given verbally. These three families have been responsible for over 100 arrests over the past couple of years, for offences such as drink/drug driving, burglary, assault, stealing from cars, threats to kill etc. In short, a handfull of people are making life a misery for the majority of folks in Whiteleas, South Shields.

Now, whether this approach is as a result of the visit to Tyneside of Louise Casey, the government's "Respect Tsarina" is open to speculation, but what can be said is this is the type of policing that we have been yearning for for a long time. Commenting on anti-social behaviour, Louise Casey said:

"Anti-social behaviour spans a vast list right across from environmental issues including litter, graffiti, abandoned cars through to things like people begging, drinking or causing a problem in the city centre at night, through to problems in neighbourhood areas such as neighbours from hell. It is a very big range of problems that are quite often perceived as low level but of course they aren't low level to the public. They are a dominating issue for them in their daily lives, they can create a lot of misery and we are trying to spearhead action to tackle these sorts of problems."

She certainly isn't a woman to mince her words and has a reputation for delivering results, if the police in South Tyneside are following her advice we can be sure that some things will start to change. It's a far cry from policing under Sir Ian Blair!


The Shields Gazette

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I saw in the printed version of the Gazette that one of our councillors wanted to blame judges, magistrates etc. for not providing decent deterrents, what he didn't do was to emphasise the importance of the partnership with police. Inspector Chjarlton pointed out the number of arrests and charges made against the families it was a huge figure, so the police are definately playing their part in the partnership. You really have to question the council and ask if they are playing any part at all?
Have they ever evicted anyone for anti-social behaviour, do they really intend to evict these criminals? Do they want to help make the community safer?
Why should the poor beat bobbies be left banging their heads against a brick wall?
I don't know the answers to your questions, but I'll certainly try to find them (hope the knee gets better, then falls apart again in August - oh, you'll be signing for a new team then of course.)
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