Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Temple Park Application withdrawn

Primary Care Trust have change of heart.

Of course if it hadn't been for the efforts of Steve Pattison this whole scheme may never have been brought to our attention. Over the past few years Steve has campaigned tirelessly for the conservation of the covenants applying to the use of Temple Memorial Park, South Shields and he was incensed when he uncovered the plans of the Primary Healthcare Trust to use an existing building on the green land as a surgery.

Cllr. Jane Branley (Independent) has informed me today that the planning application has been withdrawn, I will have further comments just as soon as they are emailed to me.

There, we can all breathe a sigh of relief!

Update: 22:43

Steve Pattison is resolved that Labour Councillors have influenced the PCT's decision to withdraw the application, and is convinced that they are attempting to prevent him from speaking on behalf of local residents surrounding Temple Memorial Park. Speaking over the counter to the Corner Shop he said:

"I would like to start by thanking everyone for their support about the PCT wanting an outreach surgery in the old caretakers house on Temple Memorial Park. I've had loads of calls from people saying that I know where they are if I need them to help, with a pettition or a protest if needed.
As I'm standing as an Independent Candidate this year, I think that the decision to withdraw the application has been influenced by Labour Councillors, because they do not want another political hot potato just before the next local election.They will stop at nothing to prevent me speaking up for the people of the area."


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