Friday, January 26, 2007

Shields man to cycle to Paris

"Toddy" to mount famous Paris bike in ride for cash! (Oops that's wrong, I'll start again)

One of my regular customers at the Corner Shop begs me to include the following and urges other customers to give whatever support they can.

This is a fund raiser on behalf of the Rainbow Trust to support families of children with terminal and life threatening illnesses. Mr. Graham Todd of South Shields is planning to ride with 'Quinny' from London to Paris at the end of June - what a way to spend your holiday - they are hoping to cover the 200 miles in three days.

"We need to raise 2000 pounds by the 27th April and so any donations would be gratefully accepted to help us on our way.

We chose the Rainbow Trust because of the work it does, supporting families who have a child with terminal or life threatening illness. It made us think, every once in a while life seems to be against us. However it's hard to imagine how you would cope when faced with this kind of illness", said Mr. Todd (pictured right)Image Hosted by

In this world of high tech miracle charity raising, you can help him by donating online - here.

What is even better is the fact that the Rainbow Trust can claim back a proportion of tax for every pound that you donate. I wouldn't be surprised if the two of them spend the three days singing their heads off (I've heard them!!) as a way to raise even more money.

Best of luck Toddy, I hope I can get some help for you!


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