Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Royal visitor for South Shields

Sophie, Countess of Wessex to visit South Shields at end of month.

Curly learns that H.R.H. Sophie, Countess of Wessex will be visiting the South Tyneside Arts Studio in Derby Terrace, South Shields on January 30th.

This will be her third visit to the town having visited the Simonside Youth Centre in 2002 when she received a fluffy yellow duck, comments were also made about her likeness to the late Princess Diana of Wales. She returned to the town last year to visit a Mencap facility in Candlish Street, South Shields where she joined residents for a cup of tea in her capacity of President of the charity.

It is understood that further engagements in the town are planned for the Countess at the end of this month.

(Looks like a good photo opportunity for Curly's Photoshop!)


Royal Diary

Ill look forward to seeing those. My dad got some great shots of the queen in her golden coach at the Jubilee. Lets see if you get so lucky!
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