Saturday, January 06, 2007

Progress report

Curly no longer a fat kid!

I've had an interesting week following the publication of the story in the Shields Gazette, for three days the telephone hardly stopped ringing with a succession of well wishers and old friends, some of whom I hadn't spoken to for years. It's heartening to know that so many people are concerned about my well being.

My fitness targets for the week have easily been achieved, even though there are those who say I am overdoing it! I'm amazed at how far I can walk in half an hour at a good pace, yet without feeling too breathless. The cardiovascular exercise regime is also feeling a little "puny" for my liking, and I think I will be transferring to my old bicycle shortly for a more strenuous workout. My old friends Pat and Billy, as well as Alf up the street, and my father, have all commented that I appear to have lost a few pounds of weight from the mid section already. Mrs. Curly and myself have argued over this, but seeing as we are looking at it every day, the difference may not be so readily apparent to us. I will be seeing specialist nurses during the course of next week to get a more accurate assessment of my fitness and suitability for an increase in the rate and intensity of the exercise regime.

I was never overweight when I was at school and enjoyed most team sports including football, swimming, and rugby, rather unlike the generation of children that we have today. According to this evening's paper 22% of children entering the reception classes in our schools are already classed as obese - at five years old!! More alarmingly, by the time we look at ten year olds the number classed as obese has shot up to 37%. I have witnessed this myself with some relatives on Mrs. Curly's side of the family, and was even discussing the role of nutritionalists with Cllr. Jimmy Foreman last night.

Of course as we all know exercise and diet go hand in hand, and I await the days when local authorities (or even government) impose physical exercise on children as a larger part of the schools curriculum.

I must now congratulate Paul Myles Kelly for working so well with his pictures editor at the Gazette, the combination of picture and headline in the printed edition was priceless! Perhaps they were trying their best to explore the school dinner theme? (Unfortunately the online edition doesn't do it justice.)


Shields Gazette


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