Friday, January 26, 2007

Miliband's brother in "offy" protest

I don't want an off-licence in my street!

Ed Miliband MP, the brother of Environment Secretary and South Shields MP David Miliband was tonight embroiled in a row with Camden Council in London over the planned opening of an "offy" on the corner of his street. Brother David lives just a few streets away .
Mr Miliband bought his 650,000 pound pad in Chalcot Road in October but less than six months later he has found himself in the kind of row that has been played out hundreds of times at the Town Hall since government licensing reforms were introduced two years ago.
Applicant Cengiz Un wants to open Chalcot Wine in a former hair salon, offering alcohol everyday from 8am to 11pm.
Now Mr. Miliband says his "quiet enjoyment of his home" is under threat and that he shouldn't be made to live above a wine shop.
As a director of a resident management company overseeing the flats, his name appears on a letter of objection filed at the Town Hall.

Oh, the terrible life one must have as a Member of Parliament, and having to live with the ordinary foibles of ordinary people too!


Camden News.

How did you dig this up and well done for doing so.

Its a shame he will have to live with the common folk.
Oh Curly's Corner Shop has customer's spread far and wide!
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