Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The heart beats again............

...............and no, I don't mean mine this time.

Something deep within the heart of South Shields Conservative Association has stirred, a few small clenches and a release of pressure and the organ started to beat in a weakish, though regular, fashion. It is now well on the road to recovery I am pleased to say- South Shields Conservatives' blog is up and running again.

You don't suppose it had anything to do with the cajoling, bullying, and brow beating from me do you?

It might be a nice idea if someone in South Shields Labour Party could take up the challenge of regular blog writing, not in the Miliband fashion though, it would give local news editors some variety at last, to say the least. Give me a shout whe it's done lads!


South Shields Conservatives.


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