Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Further crisis at Home Office

Prisons full - problem solved!

The Home Office has known for many months that Britain's prisons are at bursting point, we have teetered on the brink of putting up the "no vacancies" signs for a long time (click picture to enlarge). So how has that organ of state found a solution to the burgeoning prison population, built a couple of more prison? Converted some redundant mental hospitals? Created floating prisons on board ships? Utilised unused army barracks?

No, instead, Home Secretary John Reid, the Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer, and the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith have decide to put their names to a letter circulating our judicial system appealing for judges and magistrates NOT to send anyone else to prison other than the most serious crime suspects. I guess the protection of the public is not worth considering these days, I guess the phrase "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" means very little to the three aforementioned gentlemen.

Shadow Home Secretary David Davies had this to say:

"Yet again we see the public being put at risk by the failure of ministers. How much longer must the public pay the price of Gordon Brown's miserliness and John Reid's incompetence?"


The Mail


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