Thursday, December 21, 2006

Shields Ferry.

The Spirit of the Tyne arrives.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, our brand new ferry has arrived at last, after waiting for favourable weather conditions to enter the Tyne. She looks like a good boat, she looks as though she will cope with the demands of the next few years, indeed she looks quite smart.

It's just a shame that her name was chosen by a popular poll, and for me "Spirit of the Tyne" doesn't carry the right message. The Tyne was once one of the most busy industrial rivers in the U.K., we had ship builders, ship repairers, coal staithes, we introduced lifeboats to the world! Now, sizeable ships are no longer built here, and our new ferry was built by the Dutch!

I would rather have seen a name like William Wouldhave!

"Spirit of the Tyne" as a name, carries quite a bit of irony don't you think?


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