Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hit by the clunking fist!

Gordon clobbered me!

I don't drive a gas guzzling 4x4 "Chelsea Tractor", I have a modest family saloon made in the North-East with an engine capacity of less than 1500 cc's, and therefore attracts a lower tax rate, it has relatively low emissions and is always well maintained. I don't drive it too much, and I walk a lot more than I used to, South Shields is not a huge town and you can get around on foot quite easily, and if the fancy takes you, we have good public transport with frequent buses and a very convenient Metro rail system.

But the "clunking" fist that Tony Blair predicted would come smashing into Cameron's face missed by a mile and hit me instead! I got hit in the pocket again! My fuel costs will rise to save the environment (OOPS - I meant to line the government's coffers!)

I have never taken a holiday abroad since before the birth of my children, and I was thinking that it would be nice to take them away to some sunnier climate next year, a rare treat wouldn't do much harm now would it? OUCH - I've just been hit again! What? An extra tax on flying!
My holiday costs will rise to save the environment (OOPS - I meant to line the Treasury's pocket!)

Just when will Gordy learn, if he wants to raise green taxes then he needs to identify areas where investment will have a profound effect in reducing carbon emissions, by this I mean research and development of alternative fuels for cars, fuel cell batteries, bio-diesel engines, carbon absorption exhaust systems, you get the picture - use the money raised for the benefit of the environment not the benefit of H.M Government!


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Former Borough Councillor
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