Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Family

Brave Cameron move to put marriage on the agenda

I think that Conservative Leader David Cameron is showing a lot of verve and nerve to promote family values in a way which many will take the opportunity to shoot down as "back to basics" again. He has stood up in public and said that MPs are human, they make human mistakes, but that the issue is too large to ignore and that he intends to make policy on the family unit should he win the next election.

The Social Justice Policy group, chaired by Iain Duncan Smith, has produced a report linking the breakdown of the family to a number of social issues - drug abuse, crime, social mobility, benefits uptake, rising personal debts, and the development of an "underclass". Cameron is to propose using the tax system to help sustain marriage, and takes the view that the family is not only the most important institution in Britain, it also "the best".

The Conservatives would face the prospect of attempting to make a huge cultural change on some of our less fortunate estates and towns where cohabitation is becoming the norm, and soon afterwards this is replaced by a one parent family with no father figure, and a downward spiral towards debt, crime, poor educational results, and young men and women with little hope of finding decent real jobs and limited aspirations.

I wish them well, this is a monumental task to change attitudes and lifestyles through a simple transfer of tax allowances.


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