Thursday, December 14, 2006

Family connections

Council leadership's nervous reaction?

Just had mail from the Deputy Leader of South Tyneside Council, Iain Malcolm regarding my post of yesterday regarding the highish amount of family connections in the ranks of our Council, (both recently and in the past.) Seems he thinks I'm picking on the Labour Party!

Whilst there are a larger number of Labour members in the list that I provided, it is not exclusively a Socialist club, he points out that the two South Shields brothers Stan and George Smith were councillors (although as far as I can recall they were on two different bodies - South Tyneside Council and Tyne and Wear County Council), he also reminds me that Cllrs. Enid Hetherington and Marjorie Robinson are sisters and the daughers of former Progressive Mayor, Harry Marshall, and that Cllr. Capstick's son-in-law, Cllr. Nolan also sits on the Council. Quite a family business!

Cllr. Malcolm is of the opinion that a few of our opposition members on the Council are members of the Freemason's organisation, and that this is a popular hunting ground for prospective candidates - perhaps someone from the opposition group might care to comment?

Did my post touch a raw nerve? (No mention of Linda Waggott's desperation to rejoin her husband on the Council though, not withstanding the views of the people in Fellgate.)


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