Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas Cards

Missy brings home commercial nonsense

Young Missy Curly returned home from school this afternoon excitedly clutching a large pile of Christmas cards from her classmates. Almost fourty of them to be exact. You could tell that some parents had spent a lot of money of them, but on closer inspection not a single card carried any image, message, or symbol relating to the true message of Christmas.

We should not blame the parents for this anachronism, but the manufacturers of gift cards who are in it for one reason alone - profit! They produce this inane collection of cartoon characters (I do not joke here - there were two Disney characters amongst her cards) simply to ply to the mass market and offer them on an alter to mamon. Not a single card bore a picture of a Christmas tree, a crib, a baby Jesus , a shepherd, an angel, three wise men, or a Star of Bethlehem!

Nor were there any quotations form the Holy Bible or pieces of script that might relate to the true story of Christmas, I guess I ought not to be surprised in this age of rampant global commercialisation.

Or perhaps I might be surprised at the amount of anger and indignation that is being caused this year!


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