Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bigger broadband take up

Does this mean more customers for the Corner Shop?

Reports suggest that around 40% of connected "net heads" in South Tyneside now enjoy the fuller benefits of a fast broadband connection. I have to say that I was one of those almost jumping up and down with excitement a couple of years ago when I was awaiting my first 2 Mb broadband modem. Cllr. Iain Malcolm who is the leading lad for e-services and connectivity within the borough council is also equally excited at the prospects of more people being able to use the council's online services. (More folks for him to fill up his Blackberry with, I wonder if he was like my mate Fred who used to keep a battered old diary filled with addresses and phone numbers in miniature script?) It's all good news, can't wait until the figure goes above 50% - more customers for the Corner Shop to attract!

I certainly will have no complaints about looking after the more than 22,000 visitors this blog has had in the last 10 weeks.

Today's regular 100 returning visitors came from:

Num Perc. Country Name
drill down8383.00%United KingdomUnited Kingdom
drill down1111.00%United StatesUnited States
drill down22.00%ItalyItaly
drill down11.00%FranceFrance
drill down11.00%NetherlandsNetherlands
drill down11.00%AustriaAustria
drill down11.00%AustraliaAustralia


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Born in 1956
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Former Borough Councillor
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