Sunday, December 17, 2006

1,139,445 innocent people on DNA database!

John Reid "buries" news on "Big Brother" database.

Another piece of news which crept out of the government machine last week at the same time as the police announcements about the murders in Ipswich, was the admission from the Home Office that more than one million people have records of their DNA kept on a police system despite facing neither charges or arrests.

Police are holding the DNA records of more than 1m innocent people - eight times more than ministers have previously admitted. Official figures slipped out by the Home Office last week show that almost one in three of the 3.4m individuals whose details are kept on the database do not have a criminal record or a police caution, according to The Sunday Times.

David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said the timing of the Home Office release was unacceptable.

"This is a cynical piece of news management, one of the pieces of bad news rushed out last week."

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, an independent think tank, has said the country risks being transformed from a nation of citizens into a nation of suspects.

Civil liberties groups say the DNA database is just the latest example of the gradual creation of the "surveillance state" by Labour. They warn that innocent people could find themselves under suspicion if their DNA is found at a crime scene through no fault of their own, for example on a stolen mobile phone.

Curly wonders if there are any circumstances under which people can either refuse to give a DNA sample, or succeed in having a request to remove their records from the database if no charges or cautions are laid against them?

Yes there are surcomstances in which a person can have their PNC (DNA) record destroyed 1. you must not have committed an offence beyond a reasonable doubt!! 2. if the arrest was unlawful!! 3 if they find the real person who commited the offence 4 mistaken identity, having said all that it will be very very very hard to convince the Cheif Constable in your area to destroy your records as they have a vested interest in collecting as many DNA samples as they can.
I have posted a blog about this please take a look
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