Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stardust in their eyes.

Melanie Phillips pities the Polly preener!

Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips wrote an incisive piece a couple of days ago, in the aftermath of Dave Cameron's and Greg Clarke's rebranding of the Tory chalky tree message and the acceptance of relative poverty. Churchill is out Toynbee is in.

This bunch of Old Etonian's look and feel more and more like airhead patricians as each month goes by, when will "Dave" grasp the fact that we need a party that offers alternative policies, and that we do not need two parties that look and sound the same! Soundbites might be o.k. for the marketing men who have never had a 'real' job, but the rest of us may just prefer a chance to vote for a different way of life that offers more opportunity and hope for the future.

Melanie Phillips lays into this Cameroony nonsense with a relish reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher's bid to wrestle the leadership from Ted Heath.

"An opinion poll suggests that Mr Cameron's progress may be stalling. If so, this is undoubtedly because people can see through the spin. They don't want Blue Labour; and they will never trust politicians speaking out of both sides of their mouths.

Throwing Cameroon stardust in people's eyes may work for a while. But the British are not likely to buy a Polly in a poke. If they can vote for the organ-grinder, after all, why elect the monkey? It's enough to make a dinosaur laugh."

You can read her full article - here

Oh to be back in a more polarized age when black was black and white was white, greyness belonged to Major!


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