Sunday, November 19, 2006

NHS future.

More cash = better results?

Do you ever wonder why after so many years of increased investment and year upon year growing focus from Blair's government that the NHS is still not perceived as being as good as it could be?

  • Do you believe, like me, that throwing money at the NHS is not the simple answer?
  • Do you believe, like me, that the NHS has become a growth industry for pen pushers and consultancy services?
  • Do you believe, like me, that the extra money given to the NHS fails to reach the front line troops (nurses, doctors, ancilliary staff)?
  • Do you believe, like me, that many hospitals are suffering a confidence crisis because of the constant "target chasing" and "changing priorities"?

It looks as though our views are more widely held than previously thought, and now David Cameron, the Conservatives Leader, and regular NHS user, is looking into the matter too. It won't be easy for him (or us) to come up with a solution to the problem when he forms the next government. However, on viewing his latest video, you do get the impression that he intends to listen to more people near the bottom of the pile, and listen less to those near the top!

My opinion is that I cannot fathom what you are trying to say in relation to this post, in hindsight I would say I have been silly enough to become a victim of your 'spam'.

Your link does not provide much in the way of enlightenment either!
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