Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's Good to Talk!

short animation south tyneside councillors

"Stage managed stunt."

Yeah, o.k. so my short animation is a bit "tongue in cheek" but cannot in any way be seen as bizarre as Cllr. Michael Clare's comments as reported in yesterday's Shields Gazette. A meeting of the Riverside Community Area Forum was held in South Shields Town Hall on Thursday night, and one of the aggrieved residents from the Laygate "no show" meeting was there to show her feelings. She was rightly upset that none of her ward councillors deigned to appear at the resident's meeting, yet Cllr. Clare retorted by saying "This is a set up, a stage managed stunt". Quite bizarre.

As I stated in my earlier post, just a few phone calls are all that would have been necessary to correct the situation. Either apologies and reasons could have been given, or the one councillor who, on his own admission, had no council business that night could have been asked to attend and represent the others. They all have telephones, they all have computers, the internet, and email facilities (provided by US). It just seems that they don't want to talk to each other in the Labour Group.

Considering the lack of use to which they put these facilities, I think we should be told just how much the council tax payers are contributing towards our councillors' telephone bills and computers, don't you?


Shields Gazette


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