Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Englishman's home is no longer his castle

"Hard man" Reid talks tough

Expect to hear in the Queen's Speech of a Bill that will give police superintendants the power to have homeowners evicted from their properties if it can be proved that anti-social behaviour is annoying the neighbours.

We can already evict tenants from council homes after a series of acceptable behaviour contracts, demoted tenancies, and ASBOs, but to evict someone from their own home might prove to be a little more tricky. Home Secretary, former communist, John Reid is proposing to do just this. However, anyone evicted under his new tough regime will be rehoused by the local council, probably in bed and breakfast accomodation at our expense, for up to six months. Just who would look after the homeowners property during this time? Would the homeowner be willing to carry on paying mortgage repayments during this time? Would they want to return?

Perhaps we should question why the homeowner should pay the penalty for the "crimes" of one of his/her family,this is tantamount to guilt by association rather than by proven evidence.

On the same day that this plan was revealed the Home Office also astonish us all by letting us know that they plan to impose 50 pound fines on parents who allow children to drop litter, and that thieves, shoplifters, and other criminals will be allowed to make an apology to escape punishment for their offences!

NuLabour's message, if I recall correctly, was "tough on crime - tough on the causes of crime", more like tough talk, tough talk, tough talk, tough talk,........... ad infinitum.

Somehow, I have doubts that Reid's rhetoric will ever see the light of day in a printed statute!


The Daily Mail


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