Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Top marks for Quadrus

Beauty or beast?

The Quadrus Centre near Testo's roundabout in Boldon has been judged "highly commended" by the Society of Chief Architects in Local Authority.

They were impressed by it's use of environmentally friendly materials, it's striking appearance, the individuality of it's office suites, and the landscaping and setting. There are many people within South Tyneside Council who are highly enthusiastic about the building's design, and some outside of the Council who positively abhor it. The lakeside setting looks great from the outside, but from the inside they will get a view of the horrendous amounts of traffic on the A194. Personally, I find the design reminds me of a large cardboard box often seen being used by the unfortunate homeless population of some of our larger cities.

What do you think of it?


South Tyneside Council


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