Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This is a nonsense!

Recycling rumpus.

So, if you have a business, a commercial enterprise, no matter how large or small, and you decide to 'do your bit' by recycling you rubbish, then South Tyneside Council will penalise you for your efforts.

The Mid-Boldon Club has been doing it's best to be environmentally aware and responsible, they separate their rubbish into clean 'kerb it' containers for paper, glass, and aluminium, but now the Council has decided not to collect it! Instead, because of the amounts, they advise to take it to the Recycling Village in Throckley Way, South Shields, where you can separate it there, and put it in the correct skips, and drive away, after paying for the privelege of doing it yourself!

This is sheer nonsense, if people choose to use the recycling facility, and are prepared to do the donkey work themselves, and they have paid their Council Tax, then why on earth should there be a charge for voluntary recycling at a place where the staff have stood and watched you 'doing your bit'? Simply because the waste came from a business is not excusable, if the team at the Recycling Village do not handle the job, it should remain as free as it is for a normal householder!
Reviewing the 'potential' to collect recyclable waste in partnership with Groundwork South Tyneside and a private company is all well and good, but for those businesses who are prepared to do the job themselves?

I thought we were trying to encourage recycling.


Shields Gazette.


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