Monday, October 23, 2006

H.M.S. Calliope for South Tyneside?

R.N.V.R. move proposed.

Gateshead Council for some time have been unhappy at seeing the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve H.M.S. Calliope in the midst of their plans to redevelop Gateshead Quay and are keen to sweep the land based "ship" out of the way. Naturally the Royal Navy are not too keen on the idea, fearing it would slow recruitment if they were to move away from their historical base.

Informal meetings and talks have taken place proposing a move to one of two sites within South Tyneside, either adjacent to H.M.S. Kelly Sea Cadit unit in Hebburn, or adjacent to McNulty Marine in South Shields. Curly would like to suggest a third - land adjacent to H.M.S. Colllingwood Sea Cadet unit in Wapping Street, South Shields (Comical Corner).

I understand that outline plans have already been made for this riverside site, but perhaps they can be reviewed? It would make sense to have most of the maritime activities grouped close together (Sea Cadet Unit, Marine College Seafarers Centre, and the Yacht Club).


Shields Gazette.


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