Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Disabled parking update.

Disabled Bay abusers "criminals"

Curly is indebted to Mike in Huddersfield (an ex-pat Sanddancer) who having read yesterday's post about the abuse of disabled parking bays, got in touch with the Corner Shop and sent me a copy of a policy paper written by West Yorkshire Police for the Home Office in 1999. It's an interesting read and shows that a great number of people who park in disabled bays without proper authority are more than likely criminal. West Yorkshire Police and their traffic wardens decided to target these cars for in depth investigation and found a high number without licences, without insurance, without tax, or the vehicle had been stolen, or the driver had criminal convictions. They described the abuse as "self selection" crime.

One sentence is particularly apt: 'It takes a special kind of selfishness to park there illegally'.

You can download and view this .pdf - here

Perhaps it might be worthwhile taking a closer look at some of the abusers of disabled bays in this area?

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