Monday, October 23, 2006

Council - Police crack down in Horsley Hill

Partnership toughens up!

Curly is glad to note that South Tyneside Council, through it's agent South Tyneside Homes, in partnership with Northumbria Police and their community beat managers, have taken positive steps to relieve the residents of Horsley Hill estate of the drug takers and dealers in their midst. The anti-social too are being dealt a blow along with the thieves and burglars. In a matter of a few short months good decent people who have spent their lives building strong community relationships will see a profound benefit from these actions.

Having spent months berating our Council through this blog over it's apparent inability to match the actions being taken by it's neighbours in North Tyneside and Newcastle, and fearing that my emails had fallen on deaf ears, it is now clear that South Tyneside Council's Anti-Social Behaviour Unit have taken the bull by the horns and are determined to enforce the Council's tenancy agreements, with the full backing and support of it's partners. It is now up to local residents to put away their fears of the yobs and to carry on gathering evidence of anti-social behaviour to bring to their local councillors. They can now be safe in the knowledge that the message has got through, and that they can be instrumental in making our estates safe, happy, friendly places to enjoy the hospitable community spirit that Geordie folk are famous for creating.


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