Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Blair on the run!

picture of Tony Blair
Cameron chases down PM.

In the first PMQ's of the new parliament Prime Minister Tony Blair had a nightmare engagement with "Dave", twice refusing to clearly back Gordon Brown as his successor. Bliar was so rattled that when he attempted to move the debate away from the leadership issue by quoting from a Tory policy document, the Speaker put him firmly in his place before resuming his seat to face a further onslaught from Cameron. "Dave" pounced by saying he was sorry and understood that 'he wouldn't be having many more turns.'
Cameron continued;

"Everyone can see this government is divided and paralysed.

We have got a Prime Minister who doesn't trust his Chancellor; a Chancellor who's been accused of blackmail; the latest Home Secretary wants the Prime Minister's job; the Deputy Prime Minister hasn't got a job, but he's still being paid - and all the while, hospital wards are closing and prisons are in chaos.

How many more months of this paralysis have we got to put up with?"

Most commentators agree that it was a poor performance from Bliar and that Cameron produced a more effective line of attack than we have previously seen from him. You can listen to the Telegraph's podcast of the event - here


BBC News


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