Friday, September 15, 2006

Tories hold Cleadon

Comfortable win for Milburn

In the first test of political opinion since the last local government election in South Tyneside, the Conservative Party Candidate, Jeffrey Edward Milburn, was victorious in the by election yesterday for the Cleadon Village and East Boldon ward.

Jeffrey Edward Milburn (Conservative Party) 1,057
Alan Mordain (Liberal Democrat) 669
Lewis Malcolm Atkinson (Labour Party) 601
Christopher Michael Haine (Green Party) 124

The turn out for this by election was 35.2 per cent.

Councillor Milburn was critical of the negative campaigning followed by his rivals who attempted to make inroads by criticising the attendance record of his predecessor Philip Parkinson, who resigned his seat stating business commitments as the reason for his difficulties in attending meetings.

Lewis Atkinson, who is another political blogger in these parts, managed a small increase in the Labour vote, and must fancy his chances of a more favourable seat next time round, but Alain Mordain, the Lib-Dem candidate will be the most anguished of the four candidates as he had high hopes of capitalising on the Tories' troubles in Cleadon, (perhaps we might see him standing as an Independant next time!)

The count was held in the Cleadon Methodist Church and it was good to note that Ken Walls, my former Progressive colleague was there to support the Conservative cause, I've always had a lot of time for Ken and have known him since working at the former department store J.T. Parrish in Byker in the 1970's.

So, we say welcome to Cllr. Milburn, and hope that he too becomes a regular reader of this blog, and another branch to add to the blurred oak tree!


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