Monday, September 18, 2006

"School dinner Jimmy"

Cllr. Foreman caught eating again!

Being the Lead Member for Lifelong Learning on South Tyneside District Council must be like enjoying a second childhood for Cllr. Jimmy Foreman. He really is working his socks off promoting the benefits of his departmental brief. Despite a lull in publicity (last week) in the local newspaper, the publicity machine came up trumps with another good one in tonight's edition.

Jimmy was found lurking on page 5 with a silver rose bowl and - wait for it -two school dinner ladies! What a surprise!

The two ladies, Lesley Cusworth and Alison Reid were being presented with awards from Cllr. Foreman for their outstanding contribution to South Tyneside's education catering service. Yes, it's a hard life judging all of these school meals. Let me just say that Junior Curly loves them, "even better than mother's cooking" he says.

Next time you bump into Jimmy Foreman, ask him what his waist size was before he became Lead Member for Lifelong Eating!

He, he, he! (He's a good sport really.)


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