Friday, September 29, 2006

Labour Conference

A Sanddancer's view

The Corner Shop has received news from one of South Shields' delegates to the Labour Party conference in Manchester, I had asked a number of local Labour Party members to send me their gossip, but they seemed very reticent.

I'm sorry, but this delegate specifically asked to remain anonymous.

As promised I kept my ear to the ground but there wasn't a lot to report early in the week. Things start taking shape towards the end of the conference. Alan Johnston seemed to be a name people were mentioning as a future leader or deputy. A lacklustre performance on Wednesday seemed to scupper his chances.
The talk this morning was that he is just a lightweight with no substance.

The contenders all seemed to be attending last nights receptions. Gordon Brown was shaking everyone's hand and trying to appear personable. Harriet Harman was even seen dancing. Some very unkind remarks about her having no chance for deputy were being made this morning and that was just the women!

John Prescott kept a very low profile and is definitely- despite his speech - not flavour of the month. Even his former colleagues will be glad to see the back of him. Our own David Miliband is still being tipped as a future leader as there is a feeling in some quarters that Gordon is not young or fresh enough to see off Cameron. Poular gossip is that John Reid acts as a stalking horse allowing a younger candidate to come through the middle.

Finally Tony made reference in his speech to Denis Skinner watching conference from his sickbed. I'm pleased to say that the one tIme 'Beast of Bolsover' was there on Wednesday looking a bit frail after having an angiogram following heart problems.

If any others from South Tyneside would like to share their conference experience, please use the comments.


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