Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Devlin case update

Child porn churchman moves out of vicarage.

One hopes that when important information is exposed via this blog that (a) I am doing the right thing, and (b) that some good will become of it.

Thankfully Daniel Devlin, the Christian downloader of child porn, and church organist, has been moved out of the Vicarage in St. Oswin's Street, South Shields, much to the relief of mothers of young children in the area.

A spokesman for the Bishop of Durham said:

"Arrangements have now been made for him to move elsewhere.
The Bishop was aware of the pastoral circumstances of someone who needed accommodation, particularly in the short-term.
That situation has now changed, and we understand Mr Devlin's solicitor has now arranged for alternative accommodation."

John Cummings, Labour MP for Easington, said:

"Under the present system, he should be offered secure accommodation away from anywhere where he might have contact with children until he is sentenced. I'm sure the law will then make adequate provision for him."

However, it is still unclear what his links are with the priest still living at that address, and whether or not there was pressure from within the Church of England to precipitate his move away, or whether the Curch was simply reacting to public outrage.

Questions will still be asked, privately, at the South Shields church where the priest is a member of the team ministry, it would be interesting to know whether the parish priest (as team leader) was FULLY aware of the implications of Devlin's residence at one of his vicarages and whether the Diocese of Durham informed him fully about the man's activities and court case. Was the parish council of All Saints informed on this matter, and their opinion or approval sought? What feedback was given to the Bishop of Durham's office from his parishioners regarding the suitability of Devlin's accomodation?

This case will probably open a very unwelcome "can of worms" for some within the Diocese of Durham.


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