Saturday, September 30, 2006Cameroony Time!New approach from Cameron. The Conservative party kicks off it's conference in Bournemouth tomorrow and in advance of the event party leader David Cameron has launched a new Vblog (Video Blog) to try and stay "connected" with a younger generation of voters. The Vblog takes what has been learned from his recent trip to India and combines video clips and written articles as well as offering the viewer the opportunity to add their own comments which David will attempt to reply to over the course of the next few days. Webcameron kicks off with David introducing the concept whilst washing up in the kitchen at home, competing against the kids, (to keep up to date use the link in the side bar.) It will be interesting to keep an eye on Cameron this week to try and determine how much substance there is behind the new "style", and how the tax cutting debate will pan out. Shadow Chancellor George Osbourne states today that a new Conservative government would not be offering tax cuts ahead of it's main priority, which would be to maintain a stable economy, whilst those on the right of the party have called for tax cuts of 20 billion pounds per year! This could be a dramatic week for the Cameroonies! Link The Times Online. Update:15.00 David Cameron's new Vblog has crashed under the weight of unexpectedly heavy traffic! This must be a big plus! |
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