Monday, September 25, 2006

Brown upstaged by Blair

(Cherie that is....)

Labour isn't Working

Do you remember the poster created for the Conservatives all those years ago? This scene photographed outside of the Labour Party's conference hall in Manchester this morning looks remarkably similar don't you think? Delegates had to queue for a mind numbing length of time before passing through the security cordon, i.d. checks, scans and bag searches etc.
Spare a thought for those who would normally take a break outside during the course of the day for a breath of fresh air, a smoke, or a decent cup of tea and a sandwhich at a reasonable price, they will have had second thoughts this year, because they would have to be passed through these security procedures each and every time they left the building and returned. A captive audience for the catering units inside the conference centre!

The Labour isn't Working theme will turn out to be quite appropriate for the second day of the conference, a day which was expected to produce a high keynote speech from Gordon Brown setting out his vision for Labour's future under his (presumed) leadership, however tomorrow's newspapers will be carrying just as many column inches to remarks allegedly made by the Prime Minister's wife Cherie Blair.

During the course of the Chancellor's "longest job application on record" it is reported that journalists working for the American Bloomberg news agency overheard Cherie say "well that's a lie" at the point where Gordon Brown said it had been "a privelege for me to work with and for the most successful Labour Prime Minister". Denials were hurriedly made by Downing Street, but the damage seems to have been done, and the alleged remarks threaten to overshadow day one of the event, and may have reopened the Brown-Blair rift, just when the party was seeking an appearance of unity.

Mrs. Blair, since her husband's first election victory, seems to have shunned the convention that the Prime Minister's "better half" should be "seen and not heard".
Who can remember Norma Major or Dennis Thatcher for being anything other than shy figures standing in the background?


The Daily Telegraph
The Sun
The Guardian
The Daily Mail


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