Thursday, August 17, 2006

Prescott is crap!

Oops! Sorry, for Prescott read Bush.

Most newspapers this morning are running the story about "two shags'" private comment to a Labour MP that President George Bush's policies on the Middle East are "crap" and that he is just an old cowboy with his stetson on. Whilst Prezza made a statement on the remarks made to the press by Harry Cohen the MP for Leyton and Wanstead, he stopped short of making an outright denial.

Typically Prescott of course - but it makes him look even more hypocritical considering he accepted gifts of a cowboy outfit, boots, belt, and stetson for himself!

The BBC journalist Martin Rosenbaum, in his Open Secrets blog, has been attempting to find out what the Deputy Prime Minister has been busying himself with while the PM suns himself in Barbados. Using requests under the Freedom of Information Act he has found out that the Cabinet Office don't want to let us know - hmmm, I wonder why? The Deputy Prime Minister chairs nine Cabinet committees, yet Rosenbaum is unable to find out when these committees last met.

Oh well - back to the ranch.


The Times Online
Open Secrets


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