Tuesday, August 15, 2006

McGann and Turner families to be evicted

Council evicts at last

It has taken a bit of pressure from a number of sources but at long last South Tyneside District Council has taken the bull by the horns and instituted legal proceedings in the County Court to seek repossession of the properties rented to the McGann and Turner families on the Whiteleas estate.

The Shields Gazette has featured a number of letters recently related to these families (and a third) who have racked up 203 arrests between them. Finally they are to be evicted - Whiteleas will be all the more comfortable without them.

Sometimes decisions like these are genuinely tough to make, but the longer that problems like this remain the more likely it is that others around them will join in the criminal and anti-social behaviour. Before long a pattern begins to form which proves troublesome for the police and denigrates the character of the whole area. Rather like a bad microbal infection, in some cases, eventually, surgery is required!

Curly supports the stance now being taken, even if the Council is starting to play "catch up" with nearby authorities.


The Shields Gazette


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