Sunday, August 27, 2006

Labour finds new ways to waste our money

First the spin doctors, now the "life coaches"

Labour ministers in this government never fail to amaze me in the methods that they can find to waste taxpayers' cash, if having a small army of spin doctors and special advisors (Spads) wasn't enough, they now employ specialist "life coaxhes". Readilly available for the ministers (such as Patricia Hewitt -pictured) and officials "not fit for purpose" these trick cyclists are charging our account at an incredible rate of 250 pounds per hour. This from Elizabet Oakeshott in The Sunday Times;

Chartered psychologists are each being paid an estimated 250 pounds per hour to act as mentors to the health secretary and her senior civil servants.

In a new training technique being used widely in Whitehall, ministers and their staff are assigned personal coaches, whom they are expected to treat as "critical friends", using role-playing sessions to prepare for running the country.

A string of other government departments, including No 10, the Home Office, the Foreign Office, the Cabinet Office, the Department for Transport and the Treasury, are also using chartered psychologists, at an annual cost estimated at several million pounds.

If you ever wondered why some politicians talk a load of psycho babble, now you know!


The Sunday Times.


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