Friday, August 04, 2006

The joys of summer

The joys of summer!

It's that time of year when you feel like a worldwide conspiracy has sprang up to overwhelm all of your plans, a maelstrom of disasters occur around the home, tempers fray and the wife reaches for the prozac.

It's called summer, the kids are off school for the best part of seven weeks and whatever can go wrong, invariably will.
The weather gets too warm so the children want to spend the whole of their day out of doors, from 8.00 a.m. until midnight, if possible. They want to play outside with their friends, as parents we want them to enjoy the break but to stay safe, so as modern parents are wont to do we spend as much time with the children as possible. This of course means that the washing piles up, the dishes pile up, the cooking goes awry, the cleaning gets neglected, the shopping can wait till we all get back from the beach!

Then the arguments start - they still want to be outside when we want to be getting on with some daily chores indoors, but no, we are too afraid these days to let our kids roam the streets, we have to be out there with them, it's a big scary world you know! Time to come in - No! No! No!

The peace has already been broken, so has the bike, so has the paddling pool, so has the car, and the washing machine, it will be the television next. Ever wondered why it all goes wrong during the summer holidays?

Well so have I.

I even wonder why Mrs. Curly gets even more paranoid at this time of year, she is determined that all sorts of bad news will break, there is already another war taking place in the Middle East, there will be hurricanes in Florida, some poor children will be abducted, abused,and murdered! She really isn't the happiest of souls while the kids are off school.

So we will be taking a few "camp breaks" around the U.K. with no television, radio, or newspapers to spoil our happy existence, and unlike Tony Bliar, I won't even take my mobile phone away with me. If there is one method for reducing the overexcited children to gently slumbering lambs, it's a great deal of fresh air and exercise in idyllic countryside settings. We already have plans to visit The Peak District, Edinburgh (Musselburgh), The Lake District, and North Yorkshire again over the course of the next few weeks. Even if each camp lasts no more than four days it will do wonders for Mrs. Curly and the children, although I will need to return to the Corner Shop, just to take a rest.

So if the blog goes quiet for a few days, you will understand why.


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Born in 1956
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Former Borough Councillor
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