Thursday, August 17, 2006

Do they want a resolution?

How to kill a good deal

If this is true, then I can't think of a worse method of going into a room and sitting around the negotiating table! If the GMB and Unison, representing the 200 cleaning staff at South Tyneside District Hospital, want to threaten an indefinate strike then they will most likely antagonise the management and scupper any chance of a resolution to the dispute.

This is a nonsensical way to approach a meeting and does nothing to further the interests of the cleaners when an additional 12% pay rise is being offered. The cleaning staff, who are already on the lowest rungs of the NHS pay scales will be unimpressed with the prospect of facing weeks on end without pay, the Healthcare Trust has already offered to backdate any pay rise immediately. What's wrong with these unions, are they afraid that their members might actually accept the proposal?

Of course the GMB and Unison will also clearly know that a long protracted strike action will most surely have adverse affects upon the hygene within the hospital (we cannot expect the management to continue doing the cleaning to any high standards indefinately), to call for an indefinate strike will be irresponsible and dangerous for patients. I thought we had moved on from the 1970's!


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