Friday, August 25, 2006Celebrity Fat ClubGovernment sets an example? I tend to agree with the less than slimline Anne Widdecombe when she bemoans the government in it's "nanny state" mode of wasting millions of pounds of taxpayers money in an effort to tell us to look after ourselves. This is something that we should all bear some responsibility for, we don't really need to be told (with our own money) about what we should and should not eat. We don't really need to be told that we should take some form of exercise, those of us of slightly more advanced years understand that all things should be taken in moderation, food, alcohol, and exercise. The Tory MP, who has appeared in T.V.'s "Celebrity Fit Club" told Radio 4' s Today programme; "It's time this Government woke up to what it can and can't do, set its priorities properly and started considering the number of people whose needs are being neglected instead of trying to dictate to the nation how it should live their own lives." The main thrust of Anne's argument was that money wasted on advice campaigns would be far better spent on life saving drugs and medecines, which at present are being denied to some NHS patients. Tony Blair's government has even gone so far as to appoint Health Minister Caroline Flint as it's "fitness minister" charged with ensuring that we all exercise more! I should tell her that when you try to run for a bus after taking a long walk, after trying to climb the stairs from Marsden Beach to the cliff top car park and finding yourself short of breath, you instinctively know it's time to cut down on food and drink and increase the level of exercise. I don't need a government minister to advise me how to run my life or look after my own health, thank you very much. However, it seems that some people in positions of greater power and responsibility plainly do! Link The Independant Hat Tip - Theo Spark |
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