Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blog "lite" Tuesday

Quick general comments - yours invited too!

Curly and his family have had a long day today visiting Edinburgh Zoo, I'd almost forgotten how much of a tough walk it is to reach the hilltop viewpoint there, but it was worthwhile to let the children see so many animals, a day out perhaps that won't be repeated. We were up and about at 06.30 and on the Metro to Newcastle by 08.15, then a comfortable Virgin Express train took us to Edinburgh, transfer by bus to the Royal Zoological Gardens and in there by 11.30.

We managed to cover most of the Zoo but necessarly had to miss some, my father was there too, and our kids really enjoyed themselves. My biggest thanks go to "Trigger" for generously providing the experience for us.

So blogging will be light today (mainly based on what I can quickly read online).

Hi Curly

Edinburgh Zoo, def value for money day out I think, went about 6 weeks ago, the kids loved it and I'm sure the hill you talk about is getting steeper, or as ny youngest daughter pointed out, maybe your knees are getting older.
Pity we had to travel so far for a zoo.
I agree with Ziggy's daughter. At 75+ my legs are worn out after today.Word to the Zoo - they need to clean up their act in the toilet areas and also their prices in the refreshment areas are a bit steep especially for families who are captives also.
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