Thursday, July 20, 2006

Miliband's turbine

New headgear for Miliband!

Did you ever have one of those helmets with a built in umbrella? What a boon!

You have to applaud South Shields MP and Environment Secretary David Miliband for deciding that he would like to install domestic wind turbines on his homes in North London and in South Shields. Having watched Conservative Leader David Cameron steal a march on him by getting planning approval for a wind turbine at his Notting Hill home, the blogging Environment Secretary appears to be "green" with environmental envy and probably wants to go the full hog now (insulation, solar roof panels, water recycling, compost heap, energy saving lamps etc.)

Will he use all of the electricity created by his wind turbine? What will he do with any unused surplus, sell it to the National Grid, or set up a community based battery recharging plant? There are possibilities here for an enterprising young man!

Many of us would be interested in knowing the costs of installing these energy saving devices and what financial assistance is available to the ordinary householder, I'm sure he will reveal all in his blog.

One great disadvantage of course, should he end up Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, is that his ******** Road home in South Shields will become instantly recognisable and a possible target for terrorists. The neighbours, naturally, will not be too happy with the increased security presence in their quiet little street. On the other hand..........................
..........they might just sleep safer in their beds.


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