Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Miliband's embarassment

Miliband's embarassment

Angela Taggart has a very insightful (in a "Hello" sort of fashion) piece in this evening's Shields Gazette, looking back over the few years that David Miliband has spent as the Member of Parliament for South Shields. She reveals that the Environment Secretary can often be seen pushing his son Isaac in his pushchair around King Street and Westoe, and also reveals that since becoming a Cabinet Minister he can still manage to live in his South Shields home every other fortnight. Her article is full of all the little details that we might have expected to see in his blog, small snippets of interest that show the man rather than the politician - unfortunately his blog is victim to the Civil Service so there are no personal anecdotes there.

David recalls, in the Gazette article, that his most embarassing moment as South Shields MP came about early on when visiting Harton Technology College (gosh that's two mentions for the old school tonight) and he asked a girl how old she was, it turned out that she was the Head of the English Department! He shouldn't have worried about it too much, she probably thought he was one of the sixth formers!

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