Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Rooker to sort out RPA

Rooker to sort out RPA.

Environment Secretary, South Shields MP David Miliband is sending Farms Minister Lord Jeff Rooker up to Newcastle to "sort out" the Rural Payments Agency office, at the heart of new scandals involving drunkenness, sex, and nakedness. Rooker is to visit RPA offices in Northallerton and Newcastle, which were "pencilled in" before the news of the scandal broke (oh really).

Rooker said:

"Civil servants in the RPA have been doing their very best and deserve our thanks whatever these people have been up to.
I am appalled by their behaviour"

Would that be because they take far too long to make payments to farmers, or because they puke into cups? By the way, Lord Rooker looks suspiciously like my father, just hope he has the same "no nonsense" attitudes!


The Evening Chronicle.


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