Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Prescott's package

Prescott's "package"

According to Tracey Temple the "package" was little more than the average cocktail sausage in size, but according to Oliver Heald, the Shadow Constitutional Affairs Secretary, it is so big that Ruth Kelly and her staff have been prodded out of the office by it!

The rotund Deputy Prime Minister, without a department or proper job to hold down, is costing the tax payers around two million pounds a year, and yet students in South Tyneside look set to lose some of their concessionary travel because the government cannot stump up a quarter of that sum to allow Nexus to fully operate the free travel for pensioners scheme. When are Tony Blair and Gordon Brown going to wise up this man's scam and remove him from completely from his perks?

According to official figures obtained by the Conservatives, foreign travel, expenses, a dedicated website, his official chauffeur-driven Jaguar and a luxury flat in Admiralty House where he entertained Miss Temple bring the bill to two million pounds. Prescott operates with a twenty strong staff in Whitehall which includes a Principal Private Secretary, two Junior Private Secretaries, two Special Advisors, three policy advisors, and 12 other administrators and press officers costing 1.3 million pounds. His Admiralty House flat costs nearly 200,000 pounds a year to run, his Cabinat minister's salary and pension add up to almost 170,000 pounds per annum. Additionaly, expenses and allowances in respect of the running of his Hull home come to 105,000 pounds, his chauffer-driven armour plated Jaguar with two Special Branch officers comes in at 49,000 pounds, a new Prescott website cost 30,000 pounds and other expenses added up to 170,000 pounds.

His former mistress is also costing the taxpayer money - she is currently on "gardening leave" after their affair was exposed but drawing a salary of 30,000 pounds.

Shadow Constitutional Affairs Secretary Oliver Heald said:

"Despite being stripped of his Department, John Prescott is desperately clinging onto his perks - and the taxpayer is left to pick up the tab.

The Deputy Prime Minister's drastically reduced portfolio has left people wondering why he is still costing them so much money for apparently so little.

His new private office is growing and will no doubt grow bigger as he gets back to his bad old ways of empire building in Whitehall."

James Frayne, Campaign Director of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said:

"Tony Blair seems to have decided he can't keep his shambolic Government together without John Prescott and taxpayers are being forced to pay the price.

It's clear to everyone that Prescott hasn't got a proper job and that any money spent keeping him in Government is a complete waste.

Tony Blair should do taxpayers across the country a favour and get rid of Prescott - it's practically the only thing that he could do at the moment that would guarantee a quick boost in the polls."


The Daily Mail

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