Tuesday, June 13, 2006

New shop

New shop announced

I see there is a little more good news on the retail front in South Shields, the former premises of Woods the Tailor in Ocean Road (which later became Topshop and Topman) is about to get a new lease of life. Philip Goodfellow and Nigel Binnie are about to launch Northern Threads in the 2,000 square foot premises after a 100,000 pound refit of the 135 year old premises. They will be selling mens fashions and designer labels apparently for all ages.

I'd like to let Cllr. John Anglin know that although retail progress is coming on gradually in South Shields (remember we will shortly be seeing the building of the new larger Asda in Coronation Street) we still lack speciality and variety in our shopping centre. As plans gather pace for the site of the former multi-story car park in Mile End Road we ought to strive to retain retail units on the ground floor, specifically for local independent retailers with a speciality. The sort of shops that we need, and don't have enough of at present are:

  • a toy shop
  • a model/hobbyist's shop
  • a mother and baby shop
  • a bespoke tailor
  • a butcher
  • a specialist camera shop

Regular readers will, no doubt, be able to think of some others. I'm sure our "listening council" will hear our call.


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