Friday, June 16, 2006

More pressure on Blair

More pressure on Blair

Not Tony this time, but his namesake Ian, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. After two major bungles (the fatal shooting of the innocent Brazilian de Menezes, and the raid in Forest Gate, East London) he is facing more pressure to resign from various quarters. The MP Robert Wilson has tabled an early day motion in the House of Commons calling on the Home Secretary to remove Sir Ian from his post.

The Motion

"That this House notes the apology given by the Metropolitan Police and the release of the two suspects in the Forest Gate raid without charge; deplores the continued lack of leadership offered by the accident-prone Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, Sir Ian Blair; is concerned by the evident loss of confidence in him by many Metropolitan Police officers and the wider community; and calls on the Home Secretary to remove him from his position as Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis."

My own view is that heads ought to roll within the Security Services charged with providing the intelligence and advice upon which the Police must feel duty bound to act. A little more accuracy would prevent so much loss of loyalty to the Met!


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