Thursday, June 22, 2006

Miliband's blog costs

Miliband sets the record straight.

South Shields MP and Environment Secretary David Miliband has set the record straight about the costs involved in the setting up and running of his blog. A cool 8,150 pounds to be exact, a far cry from the rather outlandish figure of 40,000 pounds bandied about by Lib-Dem Chris Huhne. David concedes in his blog entry tonight that one of his officials spends part of his time making blog entries and comments. The main posts are typed by the minister's own hand.

David is known to be a reader and contributor to a number of other blogs including this site and also Guido's, considering his busy schedule he does well to find the spare time to "keep his finger on the pulse."

However, it's a great pity that his own blog is so restricted and restrained (not his fault of course, we just have to accept it as it is), a little more colour, humour, and insight into the machinery of government or even his life and pastimes would be much longed for by the blogosphere.

David, setting up an account on is absolutely free and allows you to be totally expressive!

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