Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cost of Miliband's blog

Huhne attacks cost of the "Miliblog"

Lib-Dems have a habit of pontificating on areas of pure silliness, today The Journal reports that the Lib-Dem leadership candidate Chris Huhne has questioned the costs of Environment Secretary David Miliband's blog. It seems that Huhne has estimated that it will cost the taxpayers around 40,000 pounds per annum for the upkeep of the website, or, in his analogy, a pound per word.

Even I understand that David Miliband cannot possibly spend the majority of his working day sat at a computer "blogging" to the world (unlike some others) and therefore it is not unusual to expect his special advisors to keep the blog updated every now and then. Take for instance the comments that I, and others post, on the minister's blog - they do need to be vetted before being published. This explains why my last comments remained in place for a couple of days, before, perhaps, David got to see them (nothing contentious in the comments, it was the link back to my blog that caused the problem) and then they were removed. The time taken for this will not exceed more than thirty minutes per day, and to suggest that this will lead to such a drain on the taxpayer is, quite frankly, utterly ridiculous! Ming's men need to find something more substantial to do with their time!

This blog has exceeded a million words, and so far, it's set up and running costs have been precisely ZERO.


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