Friday, June 16, 2006

Corner Shop empty

Corner Shop empty!

By 4.00 p.m. yesterday the Corner Shop was all but empty, a total of four cars belonging to our customers could be found in the car park, and on my estimation there would normally be around a hundred on a typical Thursday afternoon. The reason - England's match against Trinidad and Tobago in the World Cup! Oh the power of television and football.

Although some retailers are gaining some benefit from the World Cup competition, particularly supermarkets who are turning over a vast amount of additional food and drink, for many of us we look at deserted sales floors for whole afternoons or evenings, especially when our national team is playing. England's first game last Saturday gave us an eerie experience as only a handfull of women shoppers were prepared to spend the afternoon in our store. One does hope that the periods in between games will make up for the lost footfall, but we can't be doing with too many England matches at the weekends!

It seems we are not alone, South Shields was just about devoid of traffic last Saturday and yesterday, the only sounds to be heard were the wailing sirens of police cars dashing to attend the latest "hot spot" where football fans had consumed too much ale!


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