Wednesday, May 31, 2006Tony Blair may the leader of the Labour pack, but it’s his wife who betrays what he’s all about - [Sunday Herald]Tony Blair may be the leader of the Labour pack, but it's his wife who betrays what he's all about - [Sunday Herald] Ian Bell writing in the Sunday Herald pens an incisive portrait of Britain's "First Lady" David Kelly died because Blair's government decided to "fix the intelligence" for war around fictitious weapons of mass destruction. Scribbling her name, the very intelligent and sophisticated barrister Cherie could not make the connection, could not sense the symbolism, could not grasp even the moral dimension that separates a suicide from a souvenir. She is the first lady of new Labour, her husband's soul-mate, and a true believer. She speaks, as she would no doubt insist, for herself. As of today, there has still been no apology from "Cruella de Blair", perhaps Bell's commentary may explain why. Link The Sunday Herald |
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