Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Prescott gives up Dorneywood

Prescott gives up Dorneywood

Breaking news - Deputy Prime Minister "two jags" John Prescott has decided to give up his grace and favour home in the country, Dorneywood.

Photographs taken last weekend of him and his SPADS playing croquet on it's manicured lawns cannot have helped to mask the criticisms of his lack of worthwhile work to do. Prescott, it appears, has no intention of giving up the role of Deputy Prime Minister, nor his other grace and favour apartment at Admiralty House. A resignation now would spark an election in the Labour Party exposing further rifts among backbenchers. There would also be calls for Tony Blair to give his job too, as this would enable the party to make a clean break and have a fresh start with a new leadership team.


Sky News


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